
A New Reason to (Dis)Trust Congress

Something happened this week that has never happened to me before. Something that I wrote my congressman about actually happened. I voiced my concern to an elected official and something got done. It was quite remarkable.
The whole NFL network thing came to a head this week. As most folks who care anything about sports know, the NFL allowed NBC and CBS to carry last night's Patriots and Giants game that was doomed to NFL Network only coverage. Apparently some folks in Washington dialed up the commissioner, dropped the word "antitrust" and things got fixed pretty quick.
Is this a great win for democracy? No. To be fair, I have over exaggerated a little. I didn't really write my congressman. I got an e-mail one day from www.iwantmynflnetwork.com (a site run by the NFL to help them hock their channel). It asked me if I was annoyed that I didn't get the NFL network on basic cable (I am). It then said to enter my zip code and it would send spam (I'm sure they used a nicer term) to my congressman. Given my desire to have the NFL 24/7, mostly for the dozen games they air every year, I was happy to oblige. I got some spam in return from the congresspeople and I figured that was that.
I've also left the false impression that I know who my congressman is. I don't, though I am pretty sure he is a congressman and not a congresswoman. Even if I did know the chap's name, having moved here less than a year ago I haven't voted for or against him.
Furthermore, I don't know who put the screws to the NFL, but I don't think any of them were from Tennessee. It also should be noted that I actually spamed them about the cable companies being jerks, whereas Washington came down on the NFL in this whole debacle.
So what am I happy about? The fact that Capitol Hill has actually done something that has made my life better. Frankly, I can't tell you much of anything that happens in Washington except name calling and sending people overseas to be blown up or to blow up others. For one wonderful evening, I actually could say that those bozos we pay the big bucks to gesticulate at one another did something to improve something.
It seems Congress is good and sticking their noses into sports. Recently, with some of the pushing of McCain and some others, we got the Mitchell Report. For those who have avoided ESPN in the last month, this is a lovely little document that finally points the finger at some of the cheats that have been lying to us all with their HGH and steroids. Maybe it makes me a bad person, but I enjoy Barry Bonds going to jail and Roger Clemens hiding from the media. For once these millionaires are getting called onto the carpet. Who didn't like McGwire squirming in front of a Senate Committee meeting?
So, if I add up all the ways I think Washington has improved America in the last few years I'm left with the Mitchell Report, last night's game, and a endless fodder for the Daily Show and political cartoons. It really is pathetic. We have wars, epidemics, hunger, an environmental breakdown, and a horrible health care system and the best our elected leaders can do is Brady on the boob-tube and Bonds behind bars. I guess something is better than nothing.

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